Saturday, June 8, 2013

Flat Ironing...can help retain length and moisture!?

Whoa, my readership seems to have jumped a bit in the time I wasn't posting. I wonder what that means O_o. Anyway, I've been really busy since there were finals and now it's summer break. I had a few things to do [I went to ACen, for one] but now it's very close to my birthday and I'm just relaxing.

So, I bought more Hair One, of the Argan Oil variety, since I said that's the only real hair product I'm going to buy more of, but Sally's gave me a free heat protectant, and I didn't have one before so I decided why not. So now I have Silk Elements' thing. I'll review it at the end of the month. I started attempting to flat iron once a week. Why!? You were doing so well, you might say. Which is weird, since you're talking to a computer screen. Cut that out.

Flat Ironing once a week, why?

Story: hair had stayed at the same length for a few months now, even though I decided not to relax anymore. I know that yes, my relaxed hair is still fragile, but I've had growth where I've retained all length per month when I was flat ironing. I asked myself why, and decided to flat iron my hair for ACen [since I was going as Martha Jones. A character who wears her straight hair in a spiky ponytail, though my hair is longer and didn't spike as well >.>] When I did, I noticed that my hair was how it usually is when I [read: not my stylists] flat iron, it feels more mosturised, and smoother, but I still didn't see the most important thing. When ACen was over, I did a curlformer set with my usual homemade LOC [except the cream is actually Eco Styler Gel now, and it works *great* for a protein boost!]. When I took my hair out of the curlformers, it felt more mosturised than normal.  I realised what probably happened was that the heat makes my cuticles lay down for a much longer time than anything else.

Benefits of flat ironing [WHAT?]:
If I flat iron once a week at low [220-ish] heat, I can retain moisture better and longer because my cuticles stay sealed until my next wash, even after I have re-moisturised my hair to do a Curlformer set. While there are very few benefits for flat ironing, I do know that I've gained length while flat ironing far too many times a week, from back when I used to have heat junkie tendencies. I have been very afraid of it since then, but now I think it might help, because I also manipulate less when my hair is flat ironed, because I feel less of a desire to style it. So, all of this month I plan to flat iron once a week at low heat and see if my hair retains more length than normal. Though, in the future, I am planning on doing it once every other week at the most. Tl;dr low heat means better moisture retention and less manipulation throughout the week.

My regimen:
Well, I'm still trying to use up products that I got back when I was a product junkie. So, I've been unfortunately using things that don't work as well for my hair as my homemade products and / or Hair One, but here it goes.
Keep up the Protein: since I'm doing flat ironing again, I will do a protein DC probably about every other week [that seems to be the frequency my hair likes, as long as I use a protein leave in a few times a week].
Moisturize: as often as needed, even more than once a day if it comes to that.
DC once a week, or at least before every heat session. Do not ever flat iron without having done an intense moisture treatment beforehand. This is a general rule fore everyone.
Do a Set and Airdry: immediately after washing, set hair with no setting product and air dry in it. This way the hair will be stretched already and you don't use any more heat than necessary.
Flat Iron on low heat: Never above 300. I'll probably just stay at 220 in general, though. I'm not really trying to get it straight, the sets do that.
Optional--put hair back in set: This is the only way my hair will get completely straight. As mentioned before, flat ironing my hair doesn't tend to make it completely straight, the natural part is straight but still entirely too thick and noticeable. I'm usually okay with it, but I've found that putting my hair back in the curlformers right after the heat makes it get completely stretched.

Stay tuned for my latest wash day!

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