Monday, April 22, 2013

#7 Wash Day - Is It OK to not wash out your DC? First time using ECO Styler gel as well!

Thursday night, I washed my hair because I had some buildup and really wanted to do a black tea rinse. I made the tea, then created a mix using this: Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition, aloe vera gel, honey, and grapeseed oil. The texture was incredibly weird, but I was only going to leave it in for an hour.
I shampooed with ApHogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair, applied the black tea from a spray bottle, then used the conditioner. I was going to leave it in for a few hours, but it was really late at this point so I just put my hair in Curlformers then went to bed. When I woke up my hair was so many kinds of amazing I decided not to wash it. It felt like I had been to the salon. It felt like when I flat iron except even a bit better.  I had tons of moisture and slip, but my hair didn't seem to have any extra product in it. I decided to flat iron my bangs and put them into a Curlformer again just to see the difference, but I got tired and only did two small spots.
The only difference between the flat iron and the other part was that the flat ironed hair couldn't hold the curl at all, even set overnight.
My hair is just amazing. It's now Monday and I have moisturized once, and even then I didn't *really* need to, I just wanted to use my two new products: I got an actual case of Curlformers [so now I have more than double--44] and Eco Styler Olive Oil gel.
Last night, I moisturized my hair with my normal liquid moisturizer, then added a bit of coconut oil, lastly the ESOO. I used the ESOO as the sealant because it's pretty thick and I think sealing before the ESOO might have poor results. Then, I applied the Curlformers.
It was perfect, I got to use sections of exactly the thickness I wanted, and had exactly enough Curlformers to do my entire head. Now if only I could figure out how to separate the wands after I'm done. Sigh. I think I just don't have the upper body strength.
I slept [mildly comfortably] with them in my hair and took them out in the morning. They don't feel much different than normal. They're a bit shinier. I was able to still flatten out the crown of my hair with a scarf, so I actually don't know how well the gel is going to hold. I used exactly how much was in the top the first time I opened it, so it might not have been much.
Mini-review of Eco Styler OO [I'll do a bigger one in the future, but I don't like doing real reviews the first few times I use a product] I really enjoyed applying the gel, because I could feel my new growth straightening out as I applied it, even without any force. It was great! I hope that I can get second or third day Curlformer hair, but I don't know. It doesn't feel hard or anything...We'll see when I update tomorrow!
So, hair day rating? 10:
I have healthy shine, my hair looks and feels moisturized and has slip, the style is wonderful and I can run my fingers through my newgrowth because having so many curlformers smoothed [not necessarily straightened in all sections] the ng. WONDERFUL!
My hair yesterday [no pics from today yet]

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