This went perfectly, which is good because I'm really sick and wouldn't been up to doing much correcting.
I did a black tea rinse, and I steeped the tea overnight, which is why I felt obligated to wash my hair today even though I'm sick. I shampooed, because my hair was seriously coated by that John Frieda Extra-Strength Frizz-Ease, to the point where it was sticking together. I've never had that happen before with any product. I think part of the problem was that I do my hair in sections of 12 [because I have twelve Curlformers, :P] so I accidentally used too much even though I tried to only use a small part of a pump for each section. Anyway, that's going into the review [whenever I write it] because my other products don't do that even if I have 12 sections.
So, I parted my hair into four sections like I always do when I'm washing it, then I did each step on the hair [one after the other, so Shampoo/tea/switch/repeat not shampoo/switch/repeat/tea/switch/repeat]
Shampoo: ApHogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair. I love this stuff, I've started following it with PM SS DS, but I didn't today. Wanted to get out ASAP, plus, I just shampooed earlier this week.
Black Tea Rinse: I dipped my hair into the bowl, then put some in my shower-cup-thing [it's really just a plastic cup, but I only use it for hair stuff] and rinsed it down the section to get at my scalp. Black tea stains everything, so I made sure that all excess was rinsed immediately.
Then, I got out and waited 20 minutes, before putting on my DC--Silk Elements [something]. Not the one with Olive Oil in it. I've used it a few times. It isn't bad, but it's not great either. I would buy it again if I was buying products, but not if Hair One or Keracare Humecto were on sale. So, there's the list. I topped it with Grape seed oil.
Time to rinse: [Sink instead of shower. Already put on clean clothes.]
Uh...holy crap, why did I stop putting grape seed oil in conditioners? My hair was so smooth and all the tangles had melted before I even started de-tangling; even the new growth and the texlaxed hair. My hair was smooth and silky, like I used Hair One. Right. Grape seed oil goes in everything, once again, I never should have stopped. O_o.
It felt stronger, I had a little less shedding [it's more noticeable after the first rinse is what I've heard], and even my nape feels deliciously nourished. Grape seed oil is officially the base for my home made DCs, when I run out of these products. Anyway, the hair felt as moisture as it usually does with the Silk Elements: more than some of my other DCs, but less than Keracare / Hair One. Next I'm going to try the ApHogee moisturiser, I bought it a long time ago and it did NOTHING. We'll see if adding grape seed oil will really bring out the sexy! I need to get rid of that conditioner. It probably works better right after the 2-step, but I don't own that. :S
I split each section into 3 and put in curlformers, I would take a pic, but I look...very sick.
They all went in extremely easily, and I only lost a few hairs, most of which to shedding and not breakage. I'll update this post when it's done drying, if I feel up to posting. Hopefully, I'll get better and not worse in that time!
Healthy hair and body, everyone!
ETA: It's 15:20 and my hair still isn't dry, I took one Curlformer down and it's wet where the rubber meets the hair, unsurprisingly. Anyway, I have a ton of shine and my hair appears slightly darker and dare I say[‽] than usual. Actually, I think my hair might already be turning red: I heard that a combination of the products I use have turned other people's hair slightly red and mine looks reddish in the light [where it used to be a light brown from relaxer burns. This is why I'm not going to another stylist again.] I know it's from the relaxer because I didn't use honey when I first noticed it. I was looking at the bald spot I had [two relaxers ago] from their mistreatment, and I realized the broken hairs around it were VERY light. Then, I held my ends up to my crown and they're much lighter than the rest of my hair, but in weird streaks. It's probably from the fact that they love to overlap relaxers. It's not noticeable outside of having light shown on it, so I didn't care, but it made me wary about using honey because I like my dark hair shade. In the end, honey is far too awesome to quit just because of lighter hair! Plus, I got tea.
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