Monday, February 25, 2013

Wash Day #1

Wash day: I'm protein DCing with ORS hair mayo for an hour and a half. I'm running out and I'm definitely going to miss this product! I use it once a month, but I think I used it at the end of last month, so this is a bit soon, but I'd rather listen to my hair than follow a schedule, yeah?  After this, I'm going to wash with ApHogee shampoo for damaged hair, then use the [useless for me, even though the name looks good, it clearly has ] Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition conditioner for half my shower, then an ACV rinse for the other half. After that, I'm going to DC overnight with Silk Elements MegaSilk, with a little jojoba, aloe vera and grapeseed oil mixed in. When I get up, I'll wash it out with ACV, then apply my leave ins and set with curlformers. I'm also going to wash in sections and detangle my hair twice [when I applied protein-otherwise my hair gets matted and knotted], and then when I'm rinsing out the conditioner, or maybe when I use ACV. I get tons of slip from ACV so that makes the most sense. 
So I washed out the ORS HM after just one hour, I know, but I'm always paranoid about protein. Anyway, washing detangled-already hair in four sections went AWESOMELY! I cannot believe how amazing my hair was. I also lost a lot less hair in the shower, partially because of protein and partially because it was so soft and detangled that I didn't feel like overly-manipulating it. I love my hair wet so much that I've decided not to do curlformers so that I can wash it again in two days. I'm so horrible, but the urge keeps coming back and if I keep doing these high-manipulation styles, I'll lose too much hair. 

Wash: First, previously detangled was awesome. Second, four sections prevented anything from ever getting tangled. Because it already felt great, I didn't squeeze too much or pull too hard or anything. Third, ORS HM *always* makes my hair feel great when I'm washing it out. It's so wonderful I never want to wash it out. I didn't completely rinse, then I applied the shampoo onto the scalp and ran it down as it rinsed. The GF TN went as well as expected--it was soft and smelled good, but it didn't seem to do anything. It rinsed *really* easily and took all the residue with it. I used ACV immediately afterward, in each of the sections, but I got insanely dizzy and quickly poured the rest on the still-parted sections, then rinsed it and got out. I think some of it is still in my hair as I DC overnight, but it shouldn't be too bad--it'll just improve my PH level. I'm not going to reapply when I rinse out, because even though it gives me slip, my hair feels grainy when I wash it out. I'm probably doing something wrong / not diluting it enough.

I've decided to never completely wash out my [moisture] conditioner again; my hair loves it when I leave things in, so I'm just going to rinse until it feels like I won't have build up and no movement, but I'll stop before my hair feels stripped. I'm probably going to apply coconut and grape seed oil on the hair when it's 80% dry or so, but probably not anything else to avoid weighing the hair down.
I rinsed my hair out at 8:something this morning, slowly in sections, then used a very small amount of PM SS daily shampoo to get out any of the large amount of residue because I knew I was going to use PM SS conditioner. I did, and I detangled with it in, then *lightly* hit it with water. Then, I separated the four sections into three each and applied my Curlformers. If I had too big of a section of hair, I put it in a headband close to the scalp and put the curlformer around the rest. I think they might pull out my hair a bit, though, so I probably won't do this every wash day unless necessary. I put a little coconut oil to seal / moisturise for each section. I have three hours and about 20 minutes for my hair to dry before class. I *will* take the curlformers out before class, no matter what.
Pic of my hair with culrformers:

I finished drying at about 14:00, but I had to take the rollers out at 13:30, so parts of my hair weren't dry and frizzed. It was really soft for about three hours, and really smooth for a few more hours than that, and it's been quite shiny the entire time. I think I didn't seal the moisture in correctly, which is a real shame after all that conditioning. :( I thought something like this would happen, so I didn't do anything heat related so that I can co-wash and do whatever I think is necessary. I'm doing health over style every day until I get this down! I shall rock many a bun!

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